The newest developments in Egypt and within its society make me think every day so intensively that I often forget my own troubles back in Slovakia. I could mention a lovely pile of those. But I am somehow in the middle of happening right here, in Alexandria. I like watching news for just staying informed. The latest are of course not very comforting. There are still protests going on, not with such intensity as before, sure, but still... I get weird feeling that way. And behind the curtain of Arabic alphabet I sometimes get information about religious extremists taking plenty of actions and steps to win the popularity and favor of masses for themselves. They have various names, "labels" as I refer to them and I really do not like labels, people. We use them daily, I mean notoriously, but it is an invention devastating us so much and so deep I would say that we lose our own opinion and point of view and often tend to play with the others, just like herd of sheep. I may apply plenty of such labels to myself, but why? People ask me if I am a Christian, if I am a socialist, capitalist, businesswoman, teacher ... Hard to say. What makes me a Christian? I might have socialist's attitude to many life spheres, but am I really one? I like making money, so am I a proper capitalist? Just because I had my own business? I don't want to be labeled, that is what I know. Being just a woman with a mixture of opinions and bunch of great friends around who might be way different in their ways of life. Why should "labels" stand in the way to friendship, or love? I know such couples. Sad. Really sad stories. Who made those labels fall upon us? I guess, it was again us, people,mankind,and it is crawling with us throughout thousands of years. But ask yourself a question. What makes one person undesirable for another? It can be a big difference in personality, of course, but how often is it not that case? I see families preventing couples being married because he or she is " ........." . Tha fact that this person is a great partner in character and manners and intelligence plays no role whatsoever. Shame on us, people. When will we wake up from our own nightmare and see the light of knowledge? We are building walls between cultures instead of bridges. We close doors so that others can't see into our matters. Making everything secretful and mysterious can be pretty unhealthy for the society living its new era.
One of my most detested labels is religion label. Count them please, how many can you come up with? No chance to reach a final number, new will emerge. But once I heard a wise man say this: " Think about the words religion and faith. " So I took my time, walked and thought for some time. To me they seemed synonyms, related somehow. I am a woman with interest in linguistics, maybe that's why. But at the end... are they at all synonyms? I have a humble opinion that any higher power we believe in and worship will never judge us by our "religion label". What will ever count is how strong and pure our faith in it has been. What actions we took and what thoughts we had in our lives. I suppose we can call ourselves "anything". If we turn to divine power with pure hearts and thoughts, we achieve that state of peace we seek. Works in my case.
Mankind can take wisdom from all the holy books ever written and given to it. But do we really do so? I can't help myself I don't feel it. They serve us to label us and others. I don't want to carry that kind of sign. I was brought up in certain way, but it doesn't mean I can't interact with people who grew up under other traditions and live other lifestyle than mine. To be very harsh in my language, being "christian" does not make me feel I may not eat kosher soup or read Koran and discuss it with a "muslim". I think its high time for us,"labels" to interact and cooperate, so that certain powers have no chance to succeed in overtaking the rule over our lives. We have a right to live together and share, and I see how we do opposite. Is there a cure? Or a way? Way to the hearts of people who all want freedom and peace, but when they can do something for this, they prefer being hidden, silent and passive? I wish I could spread this message among Egyptians now first of all, but definitely not only among them, the whole mankind is still living in dark ages of medieval times when "religion label" decided everything for you. I must say that I have amazing friends in this world, they are other "labels" and yet they can be my friends, advisors, new family, beloved people who enlighten my days. I don't want to lose my identity and personal freedom in favor of anything like "........" NO. I seek originality and limitless possibilities to bond with people. Of any race, nationality, religion, position, gender, .... That is why I use my two most accurate labels to rate people around me. Good and bad.
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