...OBL is dead... listening to the news on various channels, what a huge happening it has caused, interesting... Of course, the fight is not over, I agree so much with this opinion. This is crystal clear. But when I look at those people celebrating... I have mixed feelings. Though my first thought on that horrible day of WTC destruction and attack on Pentagon, my only wish, was to see this news, I still realise he is not alone in this dirty business of killing innocent people, including countless victims from among his own – moslims. Too many more sick minds involved and yet to be pursued and deleted. I believe that this kind of sickness of mind is not possible to cure. And I long to know the feelings of the representatives of islam from among my friends or any other, how they perceive this news. I am watching an interview on CNN, Mr. Imam Rauf: : ”The era of terrorism is over. “ He immediately got more of my attention. How I wish this is true. An interesting man, indeed. I said before to some of my friends that concerning islam and its aggressive output, I think it is 500 years beyond other known religions spread among people. No matter how much I admire it or not, it is not enough to claim how many followers it has won up to now, but also what is their moral quality meassured by widely accepted values. And also by its ability to adopt to the new era, in which people exist. We don’t live Middle Ages anymore. Christian church no longer burns women for any stupid suspiction of witchcraft, so don’t you think it is time to think of other ways to make people UNDERSTAND ISLAM? ( Dubai One channel documentary) Because, dear friends, we first of all need to understand something before we judge it or evaluate it on any level.
Even muslims, I guess, most probably welcome the news of OBL death, he was a serious stain on their image. Maybe they can’t show or express it freely. I always say, those who want to practice and follow islam (or any other religion) because they appreciate its values and morals, let them do so. Let us all be free in this way and hopefully closer nation to nation and culture to culture, by growing respect to one another. Why stress the differences if we can concentrate on what is connecting us?
I personally hope that the gates to millitant aggressive islamists will be closed, as these absolutely misunderstood the message of their holy book. Can any of them tell us where is it written to kill innocent people and claim they do so in the name of god? We are not god’s secretaries, we don’t speak to him to know his intentions. Who gave such people the right to handle things that way then? They read what they want between the lines. But here is a simple idea of mine. If we assume that heaven is for good people and hell for those doing evil, and we all know what is good and what is evil, how come these extremists misinterpret the message? That ill interpretation serves only a small group of self-imposed sick minds. My muslim friends have never even in the smallest shown any intention to harm me, on the contrary. I have received warm and friendly treatment, in most cases it left me speechless how giving and loving they are. God bless them for that. This is the image I will always present, because this is how I know them !!! And no OBL can change that. How useless is the trying of his and his followers.
Here I come back to my theory about labels, I must stress, that I only use 2 labels to categorise people, good or bad. Whatever else you choose to be in addition to this is up to you. I have only these two groups to put you in.
... I don’t celebrate the death of a human being (if we can ever refer to that creature by that title). I am merely happy that the “justice has been done”. Anyway, I still think it does not lay in our hands to do justice. Just in this case... I have to support the act ... Nevertheless, cutting the flower does not kill the weed. The root must be deleted and soil healed, cultivated. Therefore I believe in young and wiser new generation, may they have freedom of expression of ideas and opinions, with a gift of respect, which our present generations somehow still lack or only start learning about . If only these young ones could build this world better, give it enlightenment and that simple thing we discuss at round diplomatic tables, peace.
I didn't know that you already wrote about that controversy; although you materialized the matter in a smart expedient label(good and bad). I suggest affiliating OBL's death (murder) to a more of political aspect where, in politics, there is no one good. and obviously no bad.
ReplyDeleteWhat bin Laden that man of terror are those who caused terror from the very beginning. And are , at the same time, those who killed him and those who supported him in the first place! It's America.
It's America who made OBL what he was and it's America who killed him later. It's a controversy and I'd love to argue..
If america did the just , it would have better tried him before killing like a Mafia war!
At least that's what I think..